Black Friday has been steadily increasing in popularity around the world since it was exported from the United States a few years ago. However, given the consumer boom that characterizes this day of sales, some social actors have decided to look for a cultural counterpoint.

Under this premise, in 2014 Fair Saturday emerged in Bilbao, a festival that places art and culture at the center of society. Celebrated on the Saturday after Black Friday, from which it takes its name, it consists of a global event in which artists and cultural entities from around the world join together with the aim of generating a social impact.

The inaugural event of its 2023 edition was held on November 24 and was one of the largest participatory concerts at the European level. The Bilbao Arena in Miribilla hosted more than 3,000 artists, 30% more than last year, including Maren, El Langui, Serafín Zuribi, Bulego, Afrika Bibang and El Pirata. They were joined by local and regional musical groups such as the Bilbao Municipal Band or the more than 100 choirs from educational centers that brought together 1,500 children's choirists.

The lighting rig was designed by the multi awarded LD Iñaki Irastorza, and the multi camera lighting show was designed, programmed and executed by Pedro, all cues were triggered manually, following the conductor and the orquestra. This time Pedro was in charge of programming the LED bracelets.

Black Friday has been steadily increasing in popularity around the world since it was exported from the United States a few years ago. However, given the consumer boom that characterizes this day of sales, some social actors have decided to look for a cultural counterpoint.

Under this premise, in 2014 Fair Saturday emerged in Bilbao, a festival that places art and culture at the center of society. Celebrated on the Saturday after Black Friday, from which it takes its name, it consists of a global event in which artists and cultural entities from around the world join together with the aim of generating a social impact.

The inaugural event of its 2023 edition was held on November 24 and was one of the largest participatory concerts at the European level. The Bilbao Arena in Miribilla hosted more than 3,000 artists, 30% more than last year, including Maren, El Langui, Serafín Zuribi, Bulego, Afrika Bibang and El Pirata. They were joined by local and regional musical groups such as the Bilbao Municipal Band or the more than 100 choirs from educational centers that brought together 1,500 children's choirists.

The lighting rig was designed by the multi awarded LD Iñaki Irastorza, and the multi camera lighting show was designed, programmed and executed by Pedro, all cues were triggered manually, following the conductor and the orquestra. This time Pedro was in charge of programming the LED bracelets.